Pre-Construction Television Reception Surveys
Planning authorities may require developers to engage the services of a specialist RF signal distribution company such as Astbury to carry out and report on the reception conditions prior to commencement of construction.
Such a study would involve a detailed pre-visit desktop study, impact predictions, and field surveys, following which site visits would then be carried out and signal measurements taken using calibrated spectrum analysers and the results recorded, collated and analysed for use as a “bench mark” for comparison purposes following completion of the construction. We use our own engineers and vehicles equipped with a 12 metre telescopic mast c/w suitable receiving antennas.
Post-Construction Television Reception Surveys
Planning authorities may require developers to engage the services of a specialist RF signal distribution company such as Astbury to carry out and report on the reception conditions following the construction phase. Such a study would be carried out in a similar fashion to a pre-construction survey and would involve site visits, signal measurements etc, the results will be compared with the “bench mark” survey.
The developer may then be required to ameliorate the effects of any signal degradation that is attributed to the construction works.